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Thursday, 25 February 2010

Maurice Kirk – Fixated Threat?

Posted By The Editor On October 5, 2009 @ 3:40 pm In Article, Mike Robinson 

The trouble with establishing a dictatorship through stealth is that people both within and without the system begin to protest. Not everyone is afraid. Some speak their minds. Some fight. And when people fight, inevitably the truth starts to leak. Initially such leaks can be put down to “conspiracy theory,” or “eccentricity,” but eventually, as the dictatorship gets closer to fruition, the numbers of people seeing the truth are too great. It is at that point, that the establishment acts to silence the dissenters.

Maurice Kirk is one man who has caused that establishment no end of trouble.

Maurice Kirk is a capable veterinary surgeon. He has been fighting establishment corruption for decades. He has taken a civil case against South Wales Police for harassment because they have been covertly monitoring his movements for a long time. That case is due to come to court in January 2010. It is clear now that South Wales Police, in collusion with the Judiciary, intend that Maurice Kirk will not be attending that court case.

In June this year, Maurice Kirk was arrested on the charges of possession of a firearm, and offering the gun for sale. The gun concerned was a decommissioned WW1 machine gun, which he obtained attached to a replica First World War Airco DH2 aircraft. The gun had no trigger. It had holes drilled in it. You can see quite clearly in the photograph, that the barrel is blocked. In fact, it was made up of salvaged parts from several other WW1 guns, with the sole purpose of looking good on the DH2.
[1] Maurice Kirk, machine gun in hand

The aircraft, gun included, was, at one time, owned by the RAF. It has had many owners since, including Maurice. It has appeared at air shows with gun attached. Maurice sold the aircraft one year before his arrest.

By coincidence, the arrest and subsequent search of the family home occurred just after he was required to exchange documents with the solicitors defending South Wales Police in his case against them for harassment.

Following his arrest, Maurice was held without bail at Cardiff Prison. He went on hunger strike.

Maurice Kirk has an adventurous streak. He’s an aviation enthusiast. As a busy farm animal vet, he found that flying himself from farm to farm was the only way he could fit all his calls into the day. One day an American sponsor offered to finance his taking part in the London to Sydney Air Race, which he completed in 2001 in a 1946 Piper Cub. He then attempted an around the world trip, which came to a sticky end when he landed close to George Dubya’s ranch in Texas, and attempted to hand deliver a letter.

It was as a result of that escapade that Maurice discovered how bad things have become in this world. Despite the Federal Aviation Authority agreeing that he had committed no crime, he was arrested, subjected to psychiatric assessment, and deported for life from the United States. His aircraft did not go with him.

Some time later, Maurice found himself at an aviation gathering next door to Prince Charles’ Gloucestershire home. He thought he might deliver a letter to Charles, if he was in. He wasn’t, but that’s how Maurice came to the attention of Tony Blair’s Fixated Threat Assessment Centre.

One of the problems that the establishment has, is that we’re not far enough along the road to dictatorship that they can start actually killing people in any numbers. Occasionally, for example David Kelly, they take the risk.

For Maurice Kirk, and activists like him, they don’t want to draw attention to him by killing him, and they don’t dare go to a full trial. A trial results in facts ending up in the official record. Worse, trials, at least for a while longer, have juries. The truth will out, as they say, and they are scared of that.

So the Fixated Threat Assessment Centre is there to make sure that in circumstances such as these, instead of prosecuting a charge in the courts, the charge is used as an excuse for a corrupt judge to order psychological and psychiatric assessments. All it takes is for some so-called psychiatrist to say that he feels an assessment should take place, and before you know it, you’re “Sectioned.”

And that’s exactly what happened to Maurice Kirk.

Prior to his arrest, the FTAC approached Maurice’s GP, asking for a psychological assessment. The FTAC expert involved was a Doctor David James, who Maurice characterises as “bright, informed and helpful.” Dr. James came to the written conclusion that Maurice was perfectly sane; absolutely no threat whatsoever.

Despite that, after nineteen days of hunger strike, someone from the FTAC, had Maurice taken to court on the 7th August, and an order was made under Section 35 of the Mental Health Act, for him to be incarcerated in a nearby loony bin for “assessment.”

He is still there.

Since entering Caswell Clinic, he has been subjected to 35 hours of one to one interrogation with the following doctors and psychologists:
  • Dr Tegwyn Williams
  • Dr Gaynor Jones
  • Professor Roger Wood
  • Dr Ruth Bagenshaw
  • Dr Joseph Sylvester
Dr Roger Wood is a psychologist at Swansea University. According to his profile on the university’s website, he researches the “impact of acquired brain injury, particularly orbito-frontal injury, on behaviour, cognition and social functioning. Clinical effectiveness of brain injury rehabilitation techniques in respect of social outcome. Long term sequelae of traumatic brain injury. Forensic neuropsychological assessment to identify neurobehavioural disability associated with ‘frontal’ dysfunction.”

So it is plain to see what they are attempting.

35 hours of one to one interrogation have found no evidence of mental illness. Yet at his latest court appearance, Maurice was returned to Caswell for a further 28 days, for further “assessment.”

But while this ordeal is clearly traumatic for Maurice, he is not alone. We are aware of others who are experiencing similar treatment at the hands of this out of control Government.

The establishment of the Fixated Threat Assessment Centre is a direct attack on those of us who would dare to speak out against the police state we are living in. What’s next? Mental health courts? Maurice certainly thinks so and we agree.

Canada has had mental health courts for a couple of years now. The idea behind them is that people considered to be mentally ill, and charged with “minor” offenses, are given a choice – attend the mental health court, or go through the normal courts and risk a prison sentence. Anyone choosing the mental health court route is closely “monitored” for compliance with any treatment regime, including drugs. Mental health courts in Canada have been hailed as a great success. It is presented as a voluntary scheme, a “moral” contract between the offender and the court, where the offender and opt out at any time and face a normal criminal proceeding. If the treatment programme is completed, the original charge is dropped or expunged.

Maybe I’m just being cynical, but that sounds very much like the choice given to Winston Smith at the end of 1984.

Keep up to date with Maurice at his website: [2]

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Wednesday, 24 February 2010


Prince Of Darkness

Posted By johnmorton On October 4, 2008 @ 6:37 pm In John Morton 


Perhaps the most odious man in British politics (apart from all the other ones), is making yet another of his famous, ahem, “comebacks [2]” to Parliament. Well, accuse me of cynicism if you like, but something tells me this might just have something to do with his clash [3] with EU leaders over the failure of the Lisbon Treaty referendum in Ireland earlier this year.

It really says it all that a shady, burnt out, rent boy loving EU Kommisar would be welcomed back into the Cabinet of an increasingly degenerate and rapidly collapsing NuLabour mobocracy. Whatever else we might well be tempted to say about all this, quite clearly Mr Mandelson and his friends have real staying power [4].

Isn’t it comforting to know that no matter how much you screw up and tarnish the image of Great Britain with world-class sleaze, there will always be a place for you at Gordon Brown’s table.

No need to panic, folks. There’s a shiny new kid [5] on the block, promising “change, change, change” we can all believe in. I don’t know about you, but I just can’t wait for his government of, by and for champagne guzzling hedge fund spivs [6] and dodgy foreign donors. In the middle of the greatest financial crisis [7] in history, I am sure that they will all have the best interests of the British people, and public finances, close to their hearts. Yeah, right …

What a filthy disgrace this country has become under this cross (dressing?) party gang of malignant toe-rags!

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Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Of Patriots, Kings and Scoundrels – Part 1

Posted By johnmorton On February 21, 2010 @ 3:14 pm In Article, John Morton 

Part I: Of Patriots

A people may choose, or hereditary succession may raise, a bad prince to the throne; but a good king alone can derive his right to govern from God.  The reason is plain: good government alone can be in the divine intention.  God has made us to desire happiness; he has made our happiness dependent on society; and the happiness of society dependent on good or bad government.  His intention, therefore, was, that government should be good… A divine right in kings is…a divine right to govern well, and conformably to the constitution at the head of which they are placed.  A divine right to govern ill, is an absurdity to assert it, is blasphemy… The office of kings is, then, of right divine, and their persons are to be reputed sacred.  As men, they have no such right, no such sacredness belonging to them: as kings, they have both, unless they forfeit them.
- Henry St John, Lord Bolingbroke, “The Idea of a Patriot King”


In the years between the “Glorious revolution” and the death of Queen Anne in 1714, England was a chaotic nation, wracked by political, religious and economic turmoil. The overthrow of the Stuart dynasty, while apparently relieving the nation of one particulary overt form of autocratic ruling tyranny, had also witnessed the birth of a far greater and more pernicious yolk around the necks of the people – the foundation of the Bank of England. Within a few short years, the nation was engaged in a long, debilitating war with France, against which, in 1711, Jonathan Swift savagely polemicised in his “The Conduct of the Allies”, taking the Duke of Marlborough and his Venetian “War Party” faction to task by name for their geopolitical schemes and profiteering from the sordid enterprise.

Unless They Forfeit Them…

Leaping forward to 2009, in the wake of the passage of the Treaty of Lisbon, and the rapid descent of much of Europe into a state of political ungovernability, our present predicament presses us most urgently to explore this particular chapter of our national history, and cast a new set of eyes over the people, events and political forces that laid the foundations of those fundamental constitutional structures to which we must now turn for our succour. For as this article series intends to prove, the essential nature of the political and economic calamities we face today can only be fully comprehended by tracing them back to their source, in the throes of the titanic struggle for the soul of the new nation of Great Britain that occurred during those short and turbulent years of the reign of Queen Anne and her loyal ministers. In doing so, I shall proceed as did Dr Swift himself, when, in his account of the last four years of the Queen, he wrote “Neither shall I mingle panegyrik or satire, with a history intended to inform posterity, aswell as to instruct those of the present age, who may be ignorant or misled ; since facts, truly related, are the best applauses, or most lasting reproaches.”

As the leading quote suggests, the motivation underlying this report serves a very specific purpose, towards the ends of which the gentleman in question strides boldly forth from the fog of these great historical intrigues, to offer some very valuable insight. But, while much has been written about Henry St John, as the adage “to the victor goes the spoils” cautions, we must be careful to examine such commentaries with an extremely critical eye, for there is a great deal that remains hidden from the casual observer. However, what is beyond debate is that his was a life spent immersed in political, literary and diplomatic battles which entangled the leading members of the wider European intelligensia, over issues of paramount importance to world history, and to the future liberty and wellbeing of the people of his own country.

It should therefore come as no great surprise that as I persued my investigation into the life and times of Lord Bolingbroke, I quickly found myself confronted with a lack of reliable contemporary biographical source material with which to work. I therefore resolved to refer only to primary source documents, personal letters and other political treatises, that are now availabe in the public domain. After some extensive digging, I finally settled on “Memoirs of the life and ministerial conduct of the late Lord Bolingbroke”, published in 1753, by his editor David Mallet, which gives a relatively balanced – although for reasons that will become apparent later in this series, not entirely above reproach  - exposition of our noble Lord and his family history.

Our Noble Lord

According to Mr Mallet, the St John family date back to the times of William the Conqueror, where it is recorded in the Roll of Battle-Abbey that William de St John was Quarter-Master general of the army of William, Duke of Normandy. His younger brother was one of the twelve knights who, in the reign of William Rufus, undertook an expedition against the Welsh, by which he acquired the Castle of Falmont in Glamorganshire. In due course he became possessed of lands granted to the family in England, around Stanton in Oxfordshire. Many centuries later, in the reign of James I, Oliver de St John was enobled as the first Earl of Bolenbroke, a title which remained in one branch of the family or another from that point onwards. During the English civil war, the St John family had protagonists on both sides fighting for and against King Charles, with the patriarch of one branch of Royalists, John St John, losing three sons to the conflict. One of his surviving sons, was Walter St John, the grandfather of Henry St John, Lord of Battersea. It was here that his Son, Henry St John, later to be Lord Bolingbroke was born, on the 1st October 1678.

In his early years, young Henry exhibited much of the joi de vivre common to his class and station, accompanied with a healthy dose of rebellious licentiousness. As befitting an education at Eton, where he crossed paths with his future nemesis Robert Walpole, but also forged alliances with such as his friend and collaborator William Wyndham, Henry St John demonstrated a great genius for oratory and swiftly rose to prominence in literary and political circles.

A Nation is Born

Taking up the family seat of Wootton Bassett, Henry St John first entered politics in 1701, at the remarkably young age of twenty. Quickly, he became attached to Lord Robert Harley, and was tasked with the passage of the Act of Settlement through the Parliament, in which he was successful the same year. The Act itself had been necessitated by a crisis of the succession, resulting from the failure of the House of Orange to sire an heir, and the tragic deaths of all of the children of Queen Anne, the last of whom, Prince William, had died in 1700 aged eleven. Not least due to the chain of events that lead to the Act of Union in 1707, the Act of Settlement remains, as it was described by Henry Hallam “the great seal of our constitutional laws”.

With the change of ministry, from the Whig to Tory factions in 1710, Harley and Bolingbroke came to power and began in earnest their offensive on behalf of bringing an end to the war of the Spanish succession, and hostilities with France, which was finally concluded with the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713. During the course of these events, in a 1711 letter to the Earl of Orrery concerning the establishment of the “Brother’s Club” (which will include both Harley and Swift), Bolingbroke writes:  ”I must, before I sent this letter, give your lordship an account of a club which I am forming, and which, as light as the design may seem to be, I believe will prove to be of real service.  We shall begin to meet in a small number; and that will be composed of some who have wit and learning to recommend them; of others who, from their own situations or from their relations, have power and influence; and of others who, from accidental reasons, may be properly taken in.  The first regulation proposed, and that which must be most inviolably kept, is decency.  None of the extravagance of the Kit Cat [the Hell Fire crowd], none of the drunkeness of the Beefsteak, is to be endured.  The improvement of friendship and the encouragement of letters are to be the two great ends of our society”. It was the establishment of this literary society, and its sibling, the “Scriblerus Club”, dedicated to the uplifting of the intellectual climate within the country, which was the source of much of the political intelligence that informed such timeless classics as “Gullivers Travels” and “The Memoires of Martinus Scriblerus”.

The Great Unravelling

However, despite these momentous achievements, it was not until 1715, and the accession of George I, of the House of Hanover, that the disastrous consequences of the 1700 succession crisis were to strike Bolingbroke and his collaborators with the full force of tragedy. For George I was no friend of the Tory faction, having openly gone over to the cause of Walpole, Godolphin and Marlborough, and their intended continuation of the wars with France, years before his accession to the English throne. Within days of the coronation, Bolingbroke was dismissed from office and returned to his estates in Bucklebury, where he set to writing a response to the charge of Jacobitinism that had been laid against him. Later, in March of 1715, on hearing of the intentions of the new Walpole administration to attack the instigators of the Peace of Utrecht, he fled to France, where he remained in exile for ten years, before returning to England in 1725.

It was during the early years of his exile, in a letter to William Wyndam, that Lord Bolingbroke was to write: “The Bank, the East India Company, and in general the moneyed interest, had certainly nothing to apprehend like what they feared, or affected to fear, from the Tories – an entire subversion of their property. Multitudes of our own party would have been wounded by such a blow. The intention of those who were the warmest seemed to me to go no farther than restraining their influence on the Legislature, and on matters of State; and finding at a proper season means to make them contribute to the support and ease of a government under which they enjoyed advantages so much greater than the rest of their fellow-subjects. The mischievous consequence which had been foreseen and foretold too, at the establishment of those corporations, appeared visibly. The country gentlemen were vexed, put to great expenses and even baffled by them in their elections; and among the members of every parliament numbers were immediately or indirectly under their influence. The Bank had been extravagant enough to pull off the mask; and, when the Queen seemed to intend a change in her ministry, they had deputed some of their members to represent against it. But that which touched sensibly even those who were but little affected by other considerations, was the prodigious inequality between the condition of the moneyed men and of the rest of the nation. The proprietor of the land, and the merchant who brought riches home by the returns of foreign trade, had during two wars borne the whole immense load of the national expenses; whilst the lender of money, who added nothing to the common stock, throve by the public calamity, and contributed not a mite to the public charge.”

And so, with this striking image of the problem we still face today in Great Britain, the conversion of a sovereign nation into nothing more than a base for the operations of international financial parasites, we shall return to our series and tell the tale of the battle royale within the court of Queen Anne, and its aftermath, in Part II.

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MacAskill’s Gagging Law

Posted By The Editor On February 21, 2010 @ 3:50 pm In Article, Hollie Greig, Mike Robinson 

Kenny MacAskill, Scottish Justice Secretary and ex Levy & McRae lawyer, is apparently so scared by the rising tide of public ire surrounding his and his colleagues apparent cover up of the Hollie Greig scandal, that he has proposed amendments to the Criminal Justice and Licensing (Scotland) Bill, which is going through the Scottish Parliament at the moment.

The amendments would help stop people “stalking” or “harassing” their “victims” by text or online – strangely enough the exact charges leveled at Robert Green and the UK Column as we have been attempting to shed light on the apparent perversions of the course of justice by Grampian Police, the Procurator Fiscal’s office, Elish Angiolini and Mr MacAskill himself.

At present, the only charge which the Scottish authorities can level in such a case is Breach Of The Peace, by coincidence the precise charge leveled at Robert Green last weekend following his arrest.

The powers provided under the new legislation would allow Scottish prosecutors to go after people campaigning using the internet, including email and websites such as Facebook.

Mr MacAskill said, “Stalking can be a deeply frightening crime for victims.”

Poor Kenny. Feeling the pressure are we?

Mr MacAskill is not the only politician attempting to attack free speech in this way. A source has alleged to the UK Column that David Cameron has stated that should he become Prime Minister, he will legislate to prevent campaigners from asking difficult questions on public forums.

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Thursday, 18 February 2010

Aberdeen Fatwa?

Posted By The Editor On February 18, 2010 @ 1:38 pm In Article, Mike Robinson 

We at the UK Column are very disturbed to discover that Peter Watson, of Scottish law firm Levy & McRae, has allegedly taken more threatening action in a vain attempt to prevent the Hollie Greig story from gaining an unstoppable momentum.

We have received an email from a whistle blower – a source we consider one hundred percent reliable.

The email reads:
Watch yourself. I think you may be next on the police/Angiolini hit list. I heard from a very reliable source that they are after all concerned with the Hollie Greig case. This is all being orchestrated by Peter Watson of Levy & McRae. Make sure you also make them a focus for the public, just as in their masters and their spin doctors. If Angiolini didn’t have the likes of Watson charging around like a bull she would be nothing. Watson  and his troop generate fear and pull the police strings, such as what happened to Robert [Green] [1] last week. They arranged that interdict [2] so he wouldn’t know about it [3] and arrested him for effectively breaching it, although as formal service never took place, they had to arrest him on breach of the peace. I know all about it as a police source has told me the whole story. There was also a request granted to bug Robert’s phone, internet and email. You better tell him that. You might also be next, if its not already enforced. Thanks for letting me know about Tom. When you talk to Robert, give him my regards.

It has also been alleged through another whistle blower that Mr Watson is using resources outside the normal lawful process to achieve his aim of hushing this story up. 

It has been suggested in the forums that we are sensationalising things. My aim here is not to sensationalise. It is to report what we are being told, and warned of. Whether or not there is basis to the warning, whether or not this is all just another attempt by Mr Watson to scare us all into shutting up, I would just like to state that we will not tolerate this kind of threatening behaviour.

Finally, I would ask everyone reading this to bear in mind that Hollie’s case is particularly nasty. People at the very top of the Scottish establishment seem to be implicated, either directly in the abuse, or in its cover up. There is already one highly suspicious death associated with it (Hollie’s uncle). The unlawful arrest of Robert Green, and the continuing threats, are just the most recent incident.

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Bank of England, Sterling and Government Treason

Posted By The Editor On April 14, 2009 @ 1:54 pm In Mike Robinson 

Many people believe that the Bank of England is a privately owned corporation. Many people believe that it’s owned by the Rothchilds.

Neither of these beliefs is true.

The truth is much worse.

The story of the Bank of England is the story of the British Empire. The British Empire was never a political empire. It was always a monetary financial empire, as much a parasite on the people of Great Britain as the rest of the world. The idea of the Victorian’s British Empire bringing civilisation to the darkest parts of the world is one that needs real reconsideration by many Britons.

The Bank of England was originally set up as a core part of the British Empire – making huge profits from loans to the British East India Company and other tendrils of the Great British parasite. The mainstays of the trading activities of these companies were drugs, warfare and the looting of raw materials from poverty stricken nations.

As the banker to the Government, the Bank also did quite nicely from lending to the Treasury, thank you very much. In those days, the profits of the Bank went into the hands of the shareholders.

In 1844, the Rothschild inspired desire to take complete control of Britain came true with the Bank Charter Act. This gave the Bank of England the monopoly on the production of Sterling, and control of Britain’s money supply. In Northern Ireland and Scotland, where to this day commercial banks are allowed to print their own money, they must have one Bank of England note in reserve for every note of their own that they issue.

1946 brought the “nationalisation” of the Bank. At the end of WWII, Britain was more or less bankrupt, so it was agreed that instead of paying cash for the shares of the Bank, shareholders would receive 3% Treasury stock instead. With the 1946 Bank of England Act, all the Bank shares were transferred into the possession of the Treasury solicitor, and there they are to this day. It remains a corporation, not a government department.

In 1977, the Bank set up a wholly owned subsidiary called BANK OF ENGLAND NOMINEES LIMITED, (BOEN), a private limited company, no. 1307478, with 2 of its 100 £1 shares issued. According to its Memorandum & Articles of Association, its objectives are;-
“To act as Nominee or agent or attorney either solely or jointly with others, for any person or persons, partnership, company, corporation, government, state, organisation, sovereign, province, authority, or public body, or any group or association of them….”

Bank of England Nominees Limited was granted an exemption by Edmund Dell, Secretary of State for Trade, from the disclosure requirements under Section 27(9) of the Companies Act 1976 , because, “it was considered undesirable that the disclosure requirements should apply to certain categories of shareholders.”

Add that to the fact that the Bank of England is protected from prying eyes by its “Royal Charter” status and the Official Secrets Act. What have we got here?

In 1998, the final piece of the puzzle fell into place. In return for fixing the 1997 elections and getting New Labour into power, the Government enacted the 1998 Bank of England Act, which gave the Bank’s Court of Directors complete independence with regard to monetary policy.

So if we add this all together, we have a nationally owned institution which has the monopoly in the production of the national currency, and has independent control of the country’s monetary policy in the hands of a Court of Directors who serve the private banking system as they have since the Bank was established.

Think about it – private banking control of our currency and monetary policy, fully independent of government. When Gordon Brown signed away government oversight of the Bank, he committed Treason on a scale not seen in Britain since the Heath government took us into what would become the EU.

Since 1998 we have seen the Bank rapidly inflate the money supply, while at the same time relaxing regulation on how banks could lend. No longer were banks required to have cash in reserve for loans they made. Instead the vast majority of currency entering the economy did so as a result of commercial banks entering some numbers into a ledger – money out of thin air, literally.

Working for the private bankers, the Bank of England set things up to maximise the returns for their banking colleagues’ speculative activities, in the full knowledge that as a nationalised institution, it would be the UK taxpayer who was carrying all the risk, and not, as would have been the case before 1946, the shareholders.

The Court of Directors is working for the Anglo/Dutch/Saudi empire – the still-alive-and-kicking hidden hand behind the British Empire of the Victorian age. So it’s no surprise that the solution they provide to today’s manufactured monetary financial collapse is to print more money. Their aim is to destroy the last vestiges of British sovereignty; for a hyper-inflated and hyper-devalued Sterling to be replaced by a single, global, currency, under a single world fascist government.

Gordon Brown announced the new financial infrastructure at the G20. He announced the new global currency – to be issued and managed by the newly reinvigorated IMF.

This has to be stopped. It has to be stopped now. We want our country back, before there’s no country left. We want our country back from the parasites that use one square mile of London as their base of operations. Back in a way it hasn’t been for about 250 years. Join is in this fight – come to the next British Constitution Group conference [1] in London on the 13th June, and find out what you can do.

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A New World Order Is Emerging

Posted By The Editor On April 2, 2009 @ 11:26 pm In Mike Robinson 

Those were the closing words of the new global chancellor of nothing yesterday, during his post G20 summit speech [1]. “These are not just a single collection of actions,” he said, “This is collective action; people at their best. I think a New World Order is emerging, and with it a new and progressive era of international cooperation. We have resolved that from today, we will together manage the process of globalisation …”

So there you have it. The much mooted New World Order takes another lurch forward with this G20 summit and (to quote Brown from a previous speech) “the greatest restructuring of the global economy the world has ever seen.” He just loves to brag, doesn’t he?

The content of the final communique [2] from the G20 makes the agenda clear for all to see. The financial collapse has been engineered to put every nation on this planet in such a dire situation that they must accept a new global financial dictatorship, or die. No nation state has any sovereignty as from this day.

The problem for Brown and his colleagues is that to get to this point they had to destroy the world’s financial system. Their financial system. What do they do now?

The answer lies with their intention to keep pumping hyperinflationary funny money into the system in an effort to keep the collapsing bubble inflated until such times as they can -

- organise the global warming scam into a new source of hot air for the bubble.

Pathetic, transparent, and did I mention pathetic?

These idiots really believe that the system can still be saved. They really believe that if they can just keep some air in the bubble long enough, that the gaping hole can be filled.

But the numbers just don’t stack up – an additional one trillion Dollars (making five in total) to support one quadrillion Dollars of unpayable derivatives debt.

Its a dangerous game they’re playing. One that I am determined to make sure they lose, as, I know, are most of you.

My immediate response to all this?

Just go to Hell, Gordon – and you will, sooner or later. Take your bailouts, your globalisation, your Free Trade and your New World Order with you.

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[1] post G20 summit speech:

“In A Speech In London”

Posted By The Editor On November 11, 2008 @ 11:36 am In Mike Robinson 

“In a speech in London.” That’s how the BBC characterised Gordon Brown’s Mansion House Speech [1] last night. Contrary to the BBC’s misrepresentation, this is not just another speech. It is at this event that Brown traditionally delivers his call to arms for the New World Order.

In last year’s speech, just prior to the financial collapse, he said, “… and I believe what will also be said of this age, the first decade of the 21st Century, that out of what will be seen as the greatest restructuring of the global economy, perhaps one even greater than at the time of the industrial revolution, a new world order was created …”

This year, apparently, following the election of Barak Obama, the time is now right to create a “truly global society” – a term he used several times during the speech. We should now “seize the moment” offered by the greatest restructuring of the global economy to forge a “new multilateralism.”

“Uniquely in this global age, it is now in our power to come together so that 2008 is remembered not just for the failure of a financial crash that engulfed the world but for the resilience and optimism with  which we faced the storm, endured it and prevailed. And remembered too for how  in doing so we discovered and refashioned the global power of nations working  together.

“And having shown the power of coordinated global action to recapitalise our banks and cut interest rates for homeowners and businesses, this weekend in Washington we will seek to go further, launching the process of rebuilding the international financial system.

“So while I see a world that is facing financial crisis and still diminished by conflict and injustice I also see the chance to forge a new multilateralism  that is both hard headed and progressive. And if we learn from our experience of  turning unity of purpose into unity of action, we can together seize this moment  of change in our world to create a truly global society.”

He went on … “As America stands at its own dawn of hope, so let that hope be fulfilled through a pact with the wider world to lead and shape the twenty first century as the century of a truly global society. And I believe the whole of Europe can  work closely with America to meet the great challenges which will test our resolution and illuminate our convictions.”

Interesting that he uses the word “illuminate” here …

He also set out the five great challenges the New World Order world now faces:
  • the need to reassert faith in democracy and win the battle of ideas against terrorism and extremism
  • the need to strengthen the global economy
  • tackling “climate change”
  • resolving conflict – the need for a new “stabilisation and reconstruction agency” ready, through civilian as well as military assistance, to “rebuild” conflict-ridden and fragile states
  • meeting the Millennium Development Goals [2]
He concluded with an appeal to world leaders, “My message is that we must be internationalist, not protectionist; interventionist not neutral; progressive not reactive; and forward looking, not frozen by events. We can seize the moment and in doing so build a truly global society.”

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[1] characterised Gordon Brown’s Mansion House Speech:
[2] Millennium Development Goals:

The End Of The United States

Posted By The Editor On September 19, 2008 @ 2:52 pm In Mike Robinson 

As I write this, in a real sucker punch, the FTSE is up 10% so far today. Hooray, the world is saved!

Or not.

What could be behind this insane, hysterical reaction?

One reason is that late yesterday, the FSA called a halt to short selling of financial stocks in the UK. As a result, many (t)raders have had to get themselves out of short positions. That musta hurt!

The second, much bigger, reason is that the US Treasury Secretary, Hank Paulson, in collusion with the US Congress, is about to commit an act of blatant treason.

Instead of doing the right thing, which would have been to place the system in administratrion (bankruptcy reorganisation), he has decided to make the United States itself bankrupt.

The bankers are laughing up their sleeves.

What Paulson has announced is this: he will establish a Federal agency to buy up what will amount to trillions of dollars of bad debt. The debt will become the liability of the US taxpayer. The bankers will get off scot free. The US will also insure investors in US money-market funds, which have seen significant withdrawals in recent days.

The idea is that, in a reflection of the Resolution Trust Corporation, the debt will be warehoused so that it can get the chance “for much of it to recover a portion of its value.”

But make no mistake, as far as the financial system is concerned, this will achieve nothing, other than delay the inevitable once again.

The real benefit for Paulson’s controllers, is that long held goal of the financial elites – the end of the United States, and that pesky Constitution.

What about us, here in the UK? For us, there’s the small matter of the spectre of hyperinflation which will make Weimar Germany pale into insignificance.

Article printed from The UK Column:

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Child Rapists Protected By The State

Posted By The Editor On February 2, 2010 @ 8:57 pm In Article, Guest 

( has taken the Robert Green video down after receiving a threatening letter from Callum Anderson of Levy and McCrae, the law firm who refuse to say whether they act for Ms Angiolini the person, or Ms Angiolini, the Lord Advocate. They also refuse to say whether or not they are being paid out of the public purse.

As a result, sadly, we have to use the version on You Tube, which is split into 10 minute chunks.

It seems this is not the only case where Ms Angiolini has dragged her feet! [1]

by Robert Green
In the October 2009 print edition of the UK Column, we reported in our article “BBC Hides Truth of Girl’s Sexual Abuse Ordeal” the shocking ordeal of Downs Syndrome girl, Hollie Greig, who was horribly abused by an Aberdeen paedophile ring, over a period of ten years. After investigating and planning a documentary, the BBC abruptly dropped the case, despite admitting that Hollie was a reliable and accurate witness. It is important to stress that both the police and qualified medical experts have described Hollie as a competent and entirely honest witness.

From the age of just six, Hollie was repeatedly sexually abused by her father, Denis Charles Mackie. Later, Mackie began sharing his daughter with a gang of paedophile “swingers” that has been operating in Aberdeen for many years. The identities of a further seven child victims are already known. There is no question that the gang are well-connected, efficiently organised and totally ruthless. Our frightening story is that they are protected by individuals of “high standing” within the Scottish establishment.

In 2000, after 14 years of terrified silence, Hollie eventually told her mother, Anne, about the abuses. Formal statements were made to Grampian Police, providing all the horrifying details and the names of the abusers. They included a senior Scottish Sheriff, a policeman, social workers, a nurse, a solicitor, an accountant, a fire officer, married couples and others. Some of the rapes were carried out at the homes of these individuals, including that of the Sheriff’s sister. Other children were sometimes involved, including children of the paedophiles themselves.

The latest chapters in this astonishing and horrifying story about Hollie, and the seven other abused children, have taken place over the past few weeks. The key issues are a continued refusal by Grampian police to fully investigate the overwhelming evidence for the paedophile rapes, and a wall of silence by the Scottish establishment.

Whilst there has been some general Scottish media coverage, notably in The Firm and the Aberdeen Press and Journal, the media has been largely silent on what must be one of Scotlands worst top level paedophile scandles. A key figure in the press silence is the Lord Advocate, in her former role as Procurator Fiscal in Aberdeen, when in 2000 she is alleged to have effectively buried the case. Was this to prevent her associate and most influential member of the paedophile ring, Sheriff X, from being investigated, along with the other named members of the fifteen-strong rape gang?

Elish Angiolini, the Scottish Lord Advocate, is in charge of all criminal prosecutions. She is alleged to have reacted immediately to public calls for a full police investigation, by pressurising against publication. Subsequently, and under considerable duress, The Firm published an apology. Shortly afterwards the Press and Journal ran a story accurately describing the case, mentioning a sheriff and police officer without identifying them. Angiolini was not discussed in the article.

Mrs Angiolini`s role in the case recently aroused further suspicion, when it was claimed that she had used a private law firm, Levy and McRae, to issue warnings against all major Scottish editors, threatening them with legal action if any mention was made of her involvement in the case. Suspicious and angry, many individuals directly working to obtain justice for Hollie, as well as a growing number of the general public, now consider that key establishment figures, many with direct responsibility for criminal investigations and justice, have made a concerted and continuous effort to conceal the facts from the people of Scotland. Despite the pressure, investigators and campaigners for Hollie continue to stress that they hold documentary proof of the Lord Advocate’s actions, as well as proof that she has repeatedly failed to tell the whole truth about her connections with the Hollie abuse case for whatever reason.

The senior partner in the Law Firm, Peter Watson, who is also head of litigation, is understood to have refused to comment as to whether the firm’s fees have been billed to Mrs Angiolini personally, or if they are being paid by the Scottish taxpayer.

Mrs Angiolini’s office decided in December 2009 that they would not pursue the case due to “insufficient evidence.” Corroborating evidence by private investigators and researchers indicates that other than Hollie, not one of the twenty-four named abusers and victims has even been questioned by Grampian Police.

This follows the pattern of 2000, when the crimes and perpetrators were first reported. At that time, the police later admitted that only one of the gang, Hollie`s father, had even been interviewed.

The UK Column is aware that investigators have just received from the Crown Office, after years of rebuttals, the Post Mortem report of Robert David Greig, brother of Hollie`s mother Anne. Robert died mysteriously in an alleged car fire in 1997. Despite extreme inconsistencies in witness statements and circumstances, no inquest took place and the cause of death was officially due to smoke inhalation.

The Post Mortem stated that Robert has suffered considerable damage to his skull, two broken ribs and a broken sternum. Informal professional medical opinion so far is of the view that Robert had been severely beaten, had alcohol forced down his throat and then thrown into the burning vehicle.

Although this was not known at the time, Hollie, in 2001, told her mother that just prior to his unexplained death, Robert had caught Hollie`s father sexually abusing her.

The campaign for justice for Hollie, and other vulnerable victims of paedophiles in England and South Wales, not only goes on, but has intensified as outraged members of the public have flooded Aberdeen with leaflets naming all current members of the gang, including the head of a special school. All Aberdeen Councillors and MPs have also been alerted, but with little effect. There appears to be a conspiracy of establishment silence where the abuse of Hollie is concerned. Many people in Aberdeen are asking just who possesses the courage and decency to stand up against these staggering and shocking crimes against most vulnerable members of society? Certainly not their elected national and local representatives.

UK Column volunteers continue to be shocked by the quantity and quality of evidence reaching them on the subject of paedophile and sexual abuse against young and vulnerable children in care and otherwise. The common theme is that victims and their supporters are unable to get any real support from Members of Parliament, Local Councillors, the Judiciary, Police and other ‘officials’. Many describe the creation of a wall of silence, often accompanied by targetted intimidation against the victims.

Recently a policeman personally told the UK Column that police had themselves experienced their own paedopile investigations suddenly being dropped by senior police officers. He added “If you want to really get to the paedophiles you should look at Westminster”. The implications of this statement are frightening – a paedophile ring amongst our political leaders – the political elite which has control of education and Social Services? The general public needs to open its eyes and confront this evil – and fast.

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Posted By The Editor On September 2, 2009 @ 4:39 pm In Article, Martin Edwards LLB (Hons), Mike Robinson 

The last three months of 2009 seem likely to be exciting.

In Ireland we have the Lisbon Treaty referendum in October. If ratified we will be made subject to an EU wide Political class and Police that are above the law and immune from prosecution. And ratification seems likely, since there doesn’t appear to be the same momentum behind the no campaign as for the previous referendum, and in any case, the fix is in [1].

Also in October, our Constitution as contained in various documents such as the Bill of Rights (1689), Act of Settlement, Oaths Act, Act of Union is scheduled for further debate in Parliament, for example in the Royal Marriages and Succession to the Crown (Prevention of Discrimination) Bill [2]. Is the timing of this act of Constitutional vandalism significant or coincidental to the ratification process of the Lisbon Treaty?

Likely. again in October, we have the prospect of another financial perfect storm as the system propped up by Quantitative Easing suffers another round of collapse.

The ongoing media fuelled Swine flu panic leads us to believe that a second wave of the virus will emerge in October. Vaccinations will begin in October [3].

We believe these vaccinations will be compulsory. That might seem like a step too far, but the hints are everywhere.

A few days ago, a French government document [4] (pdf, in French) came to light which defines a plan for the mass vaccination of every French resident.

The document, signed by French Health Minister Rosaylne Batchelot-Narquin and the French Minister of Interior, Brice Hortefeux, specifically states that no French medical GP or medical establishment will take part in the vaccination programme. Instead, people will be herded into specially established secure vaccination centres.

School children are to be vaccinated in school by mobile pandemic vaccination teams.

There is no mention in the document about vaccinations being forced, however it states quite clearly that everyone in the country, without exception, is to be vaccinated. People will be tracked via their carte vitale, their health insurance card which these days is chipped and has a photograph.

The document refers to laws Article L3131-8 and Article L3131-9 that allow Departmental Prefects to issue decrees to compel medical personnel, including medical students and medical army personnel, to administer vaccines or face penalties.

The document explains the size, shape and layout of the vaccination centres. It explains the number of vaccinations to be carried out. It describes the responsibilities of the various staff.
So, the question is, is there a similar document doing the rounds of Whitehall? We think it is likely. There is certainly evidence in legislation that the government is gearing up for something.

In Britain, recommendations regarding vaccines and vaccination are made by the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation [5]. This is a committee made up of academics and others, including some who receive research and other grants [6] from pharmaceutical companies, including companies with a vested interest in the swine flu vaccine.

Until January this year, their recommendations were just that – recommendations. But in January, Alan Johnson created a Statutory Instrument [7] amending the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984. This piece of under the table legislation states that recommendations of the JCVI will now receive the full support of the Secretary of State for Health, and the force of law.

Also lurking in the background is the Civil Contingencies Act [8], which empowers Ministers to make regulations in the event of an emergency which may:
enable the confiscation of property (with or without compensation); provide the destruction of property, (with or without compensation); prohibit movement to or from a specified place; require, movement to or from a specified place; prohibit assemblies; prohibit travel; repeal or change any previous laws; authorise the deployment of Her Majesty’s armed forces.
So it is our view that October is the confluence. We are to be hit with several emergencies at once – emergencies intended to kill all resistance to the marching New World Order. By the end of this year, Britain, the world, will be a very different place.

Article printed from The UK Column:

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[2] Royal Marriages and Succession to the Crown (Prevention of Discrimination) Bill:
[5] Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation:
[6] receive research and other grants:

From Dubai to Copenhagen: Dawn of a New Dark Age

Posted By johnmorton On December 17, 2009 @ 6:58 pm In Article, John Morton 

As James Palumbo put it in his recent article [1] in the Daily Mail, “The news is so bad that the politicians don’t want the general public to know what’s going on”. I could not have put it better myself.

It goes without saying that we have been reporting the true scale and severity of the ongoing general breakdown crisis of the entire post-1971 floating exchange rate monetary system, without flinching in the UK Column for well over a year now. In contrast, the disinformation pouring from the vast majority of the mainstream media on this subject is equalled only by the magnitude of their lies, for example, in the run up to the Iraq War, the coverup of the true story of 9/11 and not to mention the latest international fiasco – “climategate [2]“.

So, once again, with a due sense of weariness and fatigue, but nonethless for the benefit of the historical record, let us get at the core of these issues and tell the 100% unvarnished truth: the bailout of the banking system has solved precisely nothing. It has simply transferred the losses of the private sector onto the British taxpayer, who, more than any Polar bear in one of Al Gores ludicrous propaganda films, is an increasingly dwindling species, according to recent reports [3] on the disgusting culture of benefit dependency that has taken over the formerly industrious nation of Great Britain. Nowhere was this demonstrated more starkly than in the secrecy surrounding the £62 billion worth of “loans” made to HBOS and RBS, facts that were outrageously witheld from the Lloyds Bank shareholders during their shotgun marriage to HBOS last year. In view of these disclosures, we have to ask if there ever was any real expectation that these loans would be repaid.

But as we have said repeatedly in these pages, by taking this course of action, our government, rather than “saving the world” as they so stupidly claim, have in fact doomed us all, themselves included. What is now assured is an accelerating collapse of the entire financial system, an event which is already well underway, as demonstrated by the impending sovereign debt default of Dubai World [4], which threatens to set off a chain reaction collapse in the sovereign debt markets in the days and weeks ahead. As these events unfolded last week, we heard reports of not-so-secret trips to London by the Dubai leadership in the days preceeding the very clearly carefully co-ordinated [5] (i.e. timed around the Eid holiday in the middle east, and Thanksgiving in the US, so that their respective markets would be closed) announcement of the debt moratorium that Dubai had obviously just cleared with the City of London.

While there is always much speculation in these matters “on the street”, with some saying that other Arab states in the UAE may choose not to intervene in the crisis and instead simply seek to buy up what remains after the onrushing crash at firesale prices, what is now abundantly clear is that the carefully constructed illusion that all is well in the global economy and that “recovery is just around the corner” now that Gordon Brown and his banker chums have “saved the world” (although I might add, not quite yet from us useless eaters), the reality is far more serious than we are being led to believe. A sovereign debt default will have drastic implications on the international capital markets, as trading desks around the world weigh the risks of holding vast quantities of government debt, as opposed to more tangible assets like Gold. If a panic begins, which will be the next national currency and economy to get vapourised? Well, if Mr Palumbo is correct, we may not have to look too far for an answer [6] to that question.

And so, as the global elite proceed against all public opposition with their plans for a one world government, a single world currency, global carbon taxes, and population reduction beyond the wildest dreams of the most fanatical [7] of the malthusian cabal that has now been exposed as the core peddlers of the “global warming” hoax, as Lord Christopher Monckton [8] has publicly said just this week, it falls to each of us to put the real issues squarely back on the table and bring these criminals and fraudsters to account.

The international monetary system is dead and must be put out of its misery immediately. Only a new global financial system, backed by the major economic powers of the planet, led by the United States of America, and in direct opposition to that emerging fascist superpower, the European Union, can save us now. Anything less, and it will be the bankers who put humanity through bankruptcy re-organization, rather than the other way around, and that, dear reader, is what the title of this article promises those who fail to heed our warning.

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